
Amanda Sargent (Guest Speaker)

Amanda Sargent is the Lead Economic Energy Efficiency Analyst for Cascade Natural Gas Corporation where she was a member of the selection and implementation team for Nexant’s iEnergy and DSMC software programs, including Residential, Low Income and Trade Ally. In 2017, Amanda led the re-design of Cascade’s residential and commercial/industrial rebate offerings. In the year since participation in the Residential programs has doubled, and millions of dollars in rebates have been paid to customers for making wise energy choices; the result is a cost-effective portfolio described by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission as the “vanguard of comprehensive measures”.

Before modeling Cascade’s Demand Side Management, as a Regulatory Analyst for Integrated Resource Planning Amanda worked on demand forecasting. Previously, Amanda spent five years with the Washington State Transit Association, advocating for public transportation choices. She holds a degree in Environmental Economics and is passionate about finding triple bottom line, win-win-win solutions for customers, companies, and communities to ameliorate the effects of climate change.

In her free time, Amanda has served as a mentor at Western Washington University’s Women in Energy Mentoring Network and as a volunteer teacher of financial literacy, work readiness and the fundamentals of micro and macroeconomics to grade school students through Junior Achievement of Washington.

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